Epiphany Parish "Adopts" Seminarians

We are very grateful to many of our parishes in the Diocese of Scranton for participating in National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW). Epiphany Parish in Sayre is one of our parishes that promote vocations not only during NVAW, but throughout the entire year.

Emily Cook, Director of Religious Education at Epiphany Parish, gave an anonymous survey to her Confirmation class last year. One of the questions on the survey, “Have you ever considered becoming a priest or nun?”, generated many different responses. One student wrote that they actually think about it a lot. Cook thought if there was one possible vocation to priesthood or religious life among the Confirmation class, there could be many more out of the entire program.

After the survey, Cook wanted to increase the culture of vocations in her parish. In addition to praying a decade of the rosary for vocations at every Mass, she wanted to set aside a Sunday class once a month devoted to promoting vocations. This led to implementing an "Adopt-a-Seminarian" program in the classrooms. Each classroom "adopted" a different seminarian. This adoption consists of occasionally writing little cards and notes of encouragement to the class’s seminarian. The class also put together a care package for their seminarian during NVAW last week. Most importantly, the class prays for their seminarian every week.

“I want our seminarians to know how much we appreciate the effort they are making to discern God’s will,” said Cook. “They are in our thoughts and prayers, and we want them to know we consider their vocation a real gift to all of us.”

The "Adopt-a-Seminarian" program, which parishes all across the country participate in, allows the students to learn more about what a vocation to the priesthood looks it. It makes the idea of a vocation seem less foreign and something they can relate to. It will also hopefully foster in them an appreciation for those who answer the call. 

Our seminarians are so grateful to Epiphany Parish for all their support!

Confirmation students putting
 together care packages for the seminarians 
1st Grade students drawing pictures for the seminarians