NCYC: A Life-Changing Experience

Students and adult chaperones from eight parishes in the Diocese of Scranton attended the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis, Indiana November 18-22. The pilgrimage was a life-changing experience as they attended workshops, masses, concerts, adoration and recreational activities with Catholics from around the entire country.  

The journey started with a retreat in the Diocesan Pastoral Center on November 8. The retreat consisted of team building activities and games, speakers, a blessing from Bishop Bambera, evening prayer, and a meal. Father Don Williams, Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians, was one of the speakers. He spoke about the difference between a pilgrimage and a vacation. NCYC was not a vacation; it was truly a pilgrimage for the students and chaperones.

Father Don Williams talks to students at the retreat about the difference
 between a vacation and a pilgrimage. 

The conference featured keynote addresses by Father Leo Patalinghug, Chris Padgett, Mark Hart, Matt Maher, Father Louis Merosne, Carolyn Woo, and a closing liturgy with Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga. In addition to the keynote addresses, students and chaperones were able to attend breakout sessions focusing on everything from bullying in schools to encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Throughout the pilgrimage, Father Don was able to talk and spend time with students from our Diocese who are discerning the call to priesthood. There were many workshops and sessions focusing on vocations. One was titled “Encouraging Vocations in Youth and Young Adult Ministry.” The workshop was by Paul Jarzembowski, coordinator for youth and young adult ministries for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Father Ralph O’Donell. In addition to the vocation workshops, the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors (NCDVD) sponsored the Adoration Chapel. The chapel was filled the entire conference with students from around the country looking to spend some quiet time with the Lord.

"Encouraging Vocations in Youth and Young Adult Ministry" workshop
Pilgrims from our Diocese commented on how good it felt to see so many young Catholics. Many expressed that they are a minority in their schools because most their age don’t go to church. They were able to realize they are part of the larger church, and young people their age do go to church and are involved in the lives of their parishes.

Pilgrims from the Diocese of Scranton at NCYC
The next conference will be held in 2017. We hope to see even more pilgrims from our Diocese participate and experience the presence of God among 25,000 other members of the “young church.”