Holy Year of Mercy

Pope Francis began the Holy Year of Mercy on the feast of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He calls it a new era, and he urges each of us to travel this path of mercy. We can all follow the example of Jesus. He lived a very merciful life by healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and feeding the hungry. The Diocese of Scranton's Door of Mercy was opened by Bishop Joseph C. Bambera on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton at the 10 a.m. Mass.

The corporal works of mercy:

-feed the hungry
-give drink to the thirsty
-clothe the naked
-shelter the homeless
-visit the sick
-visit those in prison
-bury the dead

The spiritual works of mercy:

-instruct the ignorant
-counsel the doubtful
-admonish the sinner
-comfort the sorrowful
-forgive the injuries
-bear wrongs patiently
-pray for the living and the dead

Our Sunday Visitor, the largest English-language Catholic publishing company in the world, has come up with eight ways in which we can all become even more merciful.

-Dare to really care
-Don’t judge
-Avoid gossip
-Refuse to retaliate
- Don’t turn away
-Cultivate little kindnesses
-Accept mercy from others
-Pray for mercy

We pray this year of Mercy will allow all of us to become more merciful in our own lives and bring God’s mercy to others.