Project Andrew Dinner 2015

What a wonderful Project Andrew Dinner we had this year! I was holding my breath all day because of the bad weather forecasts. However, God was with us and the weather was fine before and during the dinner.

This year we had the greatest number of attendees out of all the years we held the dinner. The Diocesan Pastoral Center was filled with priests, deacons, seminarians, and those who are being affirmed for their active participation in the life of their parishes and schools and are being invited to consider a potential call to Diocesan Priesthood. We were honored to have Bishop Bambera with us. Those in attendance always enjoy having the opportunity to talk to the Bishop.

Dinner was delicious and there was positive energy among the crowd. I gave my commercial on behalf of God to all those in attendance. I encouraged everyone to stay open to whatever God has in store for their lives. High school students are encouraged to stay involved in their schools and parishes. I also would like to see them become involved in Quo Vadis, ISLI (International Student Leadership Institute), and attend the March for Life. College students and young adults are encouraged to continue being involved in the life of the church. I would like to see them attend the March for Life, our ‘Come and See’ weekend retreat in February, and the World Youth Day pilgrimage to Poland in July. For more information on all these programs, please check out the Diocese of Scranton’s website.

We concluded the night with prayer in the Cathedral of Saint Peter. Bishop Bambera led us in prayer and reflection. Nicholas Jennings and Charles Rennekamp, two of our current seminarians, led everyone in song. So many of the students commented afterwards how moved they were by the entire evening.

It was truly a beautiful evening. Thank you to everyone who helped or participated in any way.

May God Bless You!

Father Don Williams
Diocesan Director of Vocations and Seminarians